3 Day Shakeology Cleanse Day 1-1.5

Yesterday I started the 3 day Shakeology Cleanse that looks something like this:


Weigh In:

Monday Morning.
6:30 a.m.  194lbs

Most of this was from eating/drinking everything I could get my face on at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival.

My day started out pretty normal, 2 tea bags of Green Tea in my 20 oz mug, Chocolate shake with ice and water for breakfast and by the time I looked at the clock it was 1pm and time for another shake. I made a vanilla one with half a banana (since I forgot to eat my morning “snack”) and had to plug my nose to choke it down. Chocolate is MUCH better than the vanilla. Oofta.

By 2:30 I was ravenously hungry for food. I managed to sip on more green tea and distract myself with work until it was time to go home at 5pm.

Dinner consisted of 1/2 a bag of mixed greens (spinach mix), green peppers, avocado, 1 chicken breast and some Bolthouse Caesar dressing. I had some issues with my band getting stuck until I learned my lesson and chewed the chicken better. It was delicious, washed down with a bottle of water. Evening snack was another vanilla shake mixed with banana and vanilla, however I was not as hungry as I thought I’d be so I put it in a blender bottle to have for breakfast.

Day 2

Weigh In:

7 a.m. 189.5lbs

Well it looks like the weight from the weekend may have been mostly water, because I sure have been peeing every hour for the past day and a half. And to lose almost 5 lbs in one day doesn’t seem accurate to me. I’ll take the numbers regardless.

This morning we woke up and went for a run (about 2.8 miles). Yes, I left the house at 6:30 this morning and ran. I hated every. single. minute. I hate running, I’m an asthmatic so it is even harder for me. My legs felt like they had cement blocks tied to them. I powered through, but was so exhausted by the end of it. Pros of working out in the morning is that you have more free time after work to do absolutely nothing aka video games (man, we really should start packing for our move…).

Breakfast was the leftover banana vanilla shake from the evening before and 2 bags of green tea in 20oz cup at about 9:30. It was a double batch (the BF did not like it one bit, I got the left overs) so I ate it for breakfast and lunch. It is 12 pm right now and I feel as though I could eat, but I don’t need to. I think I’ll finish this 2nd cup of tea I’ve made and try to have my snack in about an hour.

I shall update tomorrow!


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